Conservation Vilm off the southern coast of Rügen

Just 30 visitors a day
"I have hardly ever the feeling quite pure, had beautiful and secluded nature experience as it was on the small islands, no one else cares to see, the complaints visited. "Not only 1819, as the philosopher, Doctor and landscape painter Carl Gustav Carus (1789-1869) wrote these words, "No one used" to enter except the complaints painters in southern barrier island Vilm. That was in GDR times as. 1959 the public was completely locked out. Only high government officials were allowed to vacation in the purpose-built thatched houses.

Since the turn of the International Academy for Nature Conservation works (INA), Branch of the Federal Agency for Nature Conservation (BfN) in Bonn, on the already 1936 designated as a nature reserve Vilm (it called the Vilm) and provides rooms and beds for meetings and seminars on the subject available. Since then, should - by appointment - to 30 Visitors with MS "Julchen" from the port of Lauterbach on the 2,5 kilometer, 94 Hectare and up to 37,8 Meter aufragenden Vilm.

A small island full of surprises: the complaints upstream in the south island of Vilm

Burkhard Lenz first performs the boat and then the guests through the core zone of the biosphere reserve Southeast Rügen. It waddles over soft moss, decreases in wet times, times dry Tang a, stumbles over gnarled roots, crawls under fallen tree trunks through or over them scrambles. are so natural only 0,4 Percent of protected areas in Germany. Do not stand too close to the scarp, could slip off to her! At the two-hour tour, Always the Baltic Sea in view, one experiences a forest, of all the natural dynamics is up. Because diseased trees need others to life, Flora and Fauna. Alone 300 Types of fern- and flowering plants and rare insects such as the bright blue oil beetle to be discovered.

In June 2002 the island by visiting Prince Charles attentive newspaper readers became known. On the last Saturday of August every year makes the "Vilm swimming" talking point, the DLRG, Red Cross and the city with around Putbus 300 align participants. Requires "Julchen" 15 Minutes to Translate, made it the fastest swimmer in 26 minutes. It was January Grafe from Rostock.

Vilm dead wood

The 600 Year-old oak, Carus on his painting "oaks at the sea" 1835 immortalized, still stands. And the rainbow, the Caspar David Friedrich 1810 spanned over Rügen and the Vilm, should also be seen now and then.



trip including. guide

Elke Backert

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